Wednesday, 28 November 2012

If You Have Poo, Fling it Now

After an earlier than usual wake up and subsequent bottle feed for Nate, I find myself lying in bed wide awake with lots of thoughts whirling around in my head about the last couple of days.  So thought I would get up and get a few of those thoughts out there.  A quick recap of yesterdays RAH visit and treatment.  We saw our oncologist who was very concerned with the side effects Karen is experiencing already.  He said that in his 14 years experience, the symptoms Karen is displaying usually doesn't present until the end of next week. It appears she is one of the few people he has come across who has a sensitivity to radiotherapy. He was most concerned about the level of pain and swelling in and around the mouth and throat.  He has upped the pain killers to 2 types of morphine for Karen to take.  One is taken every 12 hours as a slow release pain killer while the other type is for pain spikes and to be used as often as we need at our discretion.  As bad as it is, he wants to continue the therapy if at all possible.  The other options if the level of discomfort increases, would be to stop the therapy for a period of time to allow Karen's body to recover to a point where they could continue on again.  He and we are not a big fan of this option as it reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.  We are very much of the mindset to keep on.  We are a third of the way through and do not want to travel this ground again if we don't have to.  The other option he said would be to admit Karen as an in-patient for the rest of the treatment to manage her pain.  That too is also not appealing to us.  So at this point we are all in agreement to continue on as we are, dosed up to the gills, with her face looking like she has french kissed a bee hive and try and make it through to the end.  So each day continues to throw something new at us.  Bit like the scene at Grand Central Station in Madagascar.  One monkey saying to the other, "if you have any poo, fling it now."  So with each new day we really don't know what to expect because things change so quickly.

A few things that have really struck me about Karen and the treatment are, and in no particular order, How little I know about cancer and radiotherapy.  I have mentioned before about having preconceived ideas about what the side effects for Karen would be like.  I thought there would be some burning on the skin with some discomfort like a bad sunburn, a sore dry throat and some mouth ulcers.  In hi insight, that would have to be the most naive expectation.  I wont list the current side effects here now as it exhausting just thinking about it.  To give it some perspective though, a line that I think most of us Fathers have heard at some point, "Pain!  You don't know what pain is until you have had a baby."  Well, Karen informed me yesterday that having a baby is a walk in the park compared to the pain and discomfort she is currently in.

The generosity of people continues to amaze us.  We truly are blessed to have so many wonderful people praying for us and encouraging us.  We have had so many offers of help in a real practical way, whether it be meals dropped off or kids dropped back home when therapy clashes with school pick up. We have been also helped financially with gift vouchers to cover our fortnightly grocery bills and also petrol.  Our heart felt thanks to you all.  Thank you seems so inadequate a response.

Finally this morning, about my wonderful wife.  She is a "one".  Special.  Rare.  She continues to wake up each new day, putting the previous days pain and disappointments behind her and attack the new day afresh.  She does this with a will and determination I don't think I could muster.  She does this with little complaint or if she does, its is with her usual feisty attitude and humour.  Throughout all this she continues to laugh, giggle and be silly.    I love my wife and she is truly amazing!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you bless us all with your openness, we can never feel what you are going through but thankfully God can and He will help you all through this; praying
