Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The Great Cancer Conspiracy Theory and Other Misdemeanours

The very mention that you have cancer certainly brings them out of the woodwork.    You know the people.  The people who offer an opinion, a course of treatment, a suggestion of how and why you got cancer, what you should have done, what you can do now and of course the cure.  In short the "Nutters" in our society who feel it is their destiny to make themselves known and give you all the above based on nothing.  These people in general have not experienced cancer themselves and base their wealth of knowledge on the myriad of sites now available on the Internet about alternative treatments and cures and subscribe to the Great Cancer Conspiracy.

Since Karen was diagnosed with cancer we have been the recipients of some weird and wonderful suggestions about why she got cancer and the best way forward.  The obvious suggestions of diet and what we should be eating and what we need to cut out; cannabis for the pain, and also the effects THC have on killing cancer cells, mouth washes, tooth pastes, physical exertion to the point of sweating the toxins out of her body, and my all time favourites, compliments of the Christian faith, we were not doing communion properly, God was withholding his blessings on Karen, her unconfessed sins, and the old faithful, we will pray for you and you will receive a miracle healing.  So as you can imagine I was quite taken aback and aghast that when we first started the radiotherapy treatment why we  were not sat down for a joint, a green tea, a shot of lemon juice, a beetroot salad, carrot juice, and some apple vinegar and then sent on our way.  Why? Because they don't work.  Sure I believe in a healthy lifestyle, but don't confuse healthy lifestyle choices with a cure for cancer.

So first of all let me just say that I know the people who have made suggestions to us, did so and no doubt will do so with the best of intensions.  However, having said that, it doesn't make it any more helpful. The originator of these sites of information and unsubstantiated theories prey on the vulnerability and helplessness of the sufferer.  They offer a false hope and as you may of picked up on, are my pet hate!  So what of the Great Cancer Conspiracy?  It goes something along the lines that there is in fact a cure for cancer hidden away.  However cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry and a cure would destroy said industry.  The bottom line, cancer is my business, business is good.  Just a ridiculous notion.  Thank goodness for a common sense approach to the known mainstream treatments currently available now.  Thank goodness for the dedicated people who tirelessly fundraise for cancer research and early detection and new vaccines.

So in closing lets just hose down a few other misdemeanours about cancer and treatment.  For further details go to the Cancer Research UK site where I got this following information.

So in finishing up, before you offer an opinion about cancer, like and share a link or article on Facebook, check it out first.  Is it a hoax as most of them are? As an example, there is an email doing the rounds at the moment, and has been for quite some time, claiming to originate from Johns Hopkins about what causes and cures cancer (see this link for the statement from Johns Hopkins regarding the hoax email).

A good rule of thumb, if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

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