I can not take credit for the below writings. It was written by Jeff Tomczek who was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 27. This column had found its way onto one of the online cancer groups Karen is a member of. I thought it was absolutely brilliant in explaining the whole process and journey and is spot on for what we had and are going through.
...............Your relationships are about to change. All of
them. Some will get stronger. They will probably not be with the people you
would expect. The people you want to handle this well might not be able to for
a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons will be selfish. Some of them will be
entirely innocent and circumstantial. All of them will be forgivable because no
one plans for cancer. Carrying bitterness or anger won't help your recovery.
Fighting for anyone to stick with you won't cure you. Those who can, will.
You will be determined to have more energy than you do. You will
convince yourself that you are thinking straight, are able to handle all of
this and do not need anyone. You will run out fuel. Your body will change first
and your mind will follow. You won't lose your mind, memories or sensibility.
It will all come back. But, you will be different. You will never have the same
sense of self. You should embrace this. Your old self was probably really
great. Your transformed self will be even better. Give into what is happening
and trust it.
You are going to feel fear. Even if you are normally stubborn,
confident and seemingly invincible you will finally find yourself admitting
that you are scared of something. Cancer is scary and incredibly confusing. The
unknowing will eat at you worse than the disease itself. You'll need
distractions. Music and sleep will probably be the ones you resort to most.
Reading will become difficult. So will watching TV or movies, having conversations,
writing and basically everything else. They call it "chemo brain" for
a reason. You will feel normal eventually. Just a new kind of normal. When you
feel afraid let yourself lean on those around you. Cry. Be vulnerable. You are
vulnerable. There will be time for strength, but never admitting weakness will
cause anxiety to mount and your condition to worsen. Let it all out. Yell if
you need to. Sing when you feel up to it. Sob uncontrollably. Apologize for
your mood swings. Treatments and prescriptions will often be the cause of them.
The people that love you will understand.
The people that love you will be just as scared as you are.
Probably more. They will be worrying even when they are smiling. They will
assume you are in more pain than you are. They will be thinking about you dying
and preparing for life without you. They will go through a process that you
will never understand just like they will never understand the process you are
going through. Let them process. Forgive them when they don't understand.
Exercise patience when you can. Know that those that were built for this will
be there when you get to the other side and you will all be able to laugh
together again. You'll cry together too. Then you'll get to a place where you
will just live in the world again together and that is when you know that you
have beaten this.The sooner you recognize that you are mortal, the sooner you
can create the mentality for survival. There is a chance you might not make it.
Just like there is a chance that you will. Don't look at statistics. You are
unique and what is happening inside you is unique. Your fight is yours alone
and there are too many factors to compare yourself to others that have had your
condition. No one will want you to think about death, but you won't have a
choice. You will think about it from the moment you are given your diagnosis.
Come to terms with it. Calmly accept it. Then, shift every thought you have
into believing that you won't die. You are going to beat this. Your mental focus
on that fact will be more powerful than any treatment you receive.
Your doctors and nurses will become your source of comfort. You
will feel safe with them. If you do not feel safe with them you need to change
your care provider immediately. There is no time to waste. This shouldn't be a
game played on anyone's terms but yours. When you find the right caretakers you
will know immediately. Do not let insurance, money or red tape prevent you from
getting the treatment you deserve. This is your only shot. There is always a
way. Find those hands that you trust your life in and willingly give it to
them. They will quickly bring you a sense of calm. They will spend time
answering your questions. There will be no stupid questions to them. They won't
do anything besides make you feel like you are the most important life that
exists. They will never make you feel like they don't have things in control.
They will be honest and accessible at all times. They might even become your
friends. You might celebrate with them over drinks months or years after they
have cured you. They deserve your gratitude, respect and appreciation daily. If
you get upset at them during treatment know that they'll forgive you. They get
that you're going through something they can't imagine- but they understand
better than anyone. They see it every day and they choose to be there because
they want to make the worst experience of your life more tolerable.You will
need to find balance after treatment. Start by seeking balance during treatment.
Eat well. Sleep well. Listen to your body. Explore meditation. Experiment with
new forms of exercise that aren't so demanding. Embrace massage and other body
therapies. Go to therapy. A therapist will be able to guide you through your
journey in ways you could never fathom. Do not be too proud to speak to
someone. You cannot afford to store up the intensity of the emotion that comes
with fighting a life-threatening illness. Let it out for yourself. You will
begin to hear your voice changing. That voice is who you are becoming in the
face of mortality. Listen to that voice. It will be the purest, most authentic
version of you that you have ever known. Bring that person into the world --
strengths and vulnerabilities and everything between. Be that person forever.
You will inspire others. It will feel weird. People you haven't
spoken to since grade school will be in touch. Ex-girlfriends, former
colleagues... even people you felt never wanted to talk to you again. The
influx of interest in your seemingly fading life will be greater than any
living moment you have ever experienced. That support is what will shift a
fading life into a surviving one. Be grateful for every message. Be
appreciative of each gift and each visit. There will be moments where all of this
attention will make you feel lonelier than you have ever felt in your life. In
a hospital room full of people with messages stuffing your inbox, voicemail and
mailbox you will find yourself feeling completely alone. This is when you will
realize that you could afford to have a stronger relationship with yourself.
That only you walk this earth with 100% investment in you. Make the investment
and use this as an opportunity to reexamine your self-worth. Love yourself more
than ever and recognize how much love there is for you in the world. Then start
sharing that love. You will come to see that even when you are the neediest
person you know you can still be giving. Giving will make you feel better than
When you get to the other side you won't believe it. They will
tell you the disease is gone. Everyone you know will rejoice and return back to
their lives. You'll constantly wonder if it is coming back. Slowly this feeling
will fade, but cancer will always be a part of you. It will define how you see
the world moving forward. You're going to feel like the future is a funny thing
to think about because the present is going to suddenly seem incredibly
important. Keep moving. You'll be more productive. You'll understand who truly
loves you because they will still be there. You'll want to meet new people that
connect to the newly evolved version of your old self. You'll want to let go of
those that don't "get" who you are now. You'll feel a little guilty
doing it. Then, you'll move on. You don't have time to waste. The greatest gift
you've been given is that you now understand that and you're going to make the
most of every second. You're going to be the most passionate person you know
going forward. Translate that passion to a greater purpose. Be fearless again.
I was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 27. Now 28, I have
been told I have no trace of the disease in my body.
Jeff Tomczek is a freelance writer and the founder of C2Bseen,
offering consulting services to niche brands and entrepreneurs.